Frequently Asked Questions
How does Coyote Ridge compare with other book stores in the area?
     We are the only independently owned bookstore in Broomfield. We have over  26,000 used books in stock and you can expect about 5,000 front list ie books very popular at Barnes and Noble and Amazon bookstores. We also stock books in a very good condition or better. 

Sadly almost 15 bookstores have closed in Denver metro area so we attracts book lovers from Thornton, Westminster, Aurora and Denver and welcome bookstore tourists from all over the world. That said your options are limited but we are considered one of Denver's top ten bookstores and also believe used bookstores are on the comeback. 

What are the reasons to shop at Coyote Ridge?
     + Our liberal trade policy
     Our reasonable prices
     Our broad selection in certain genres rivals the big chains
     We are knowledgeable about books and book values
     We support local schools, charities and the Broomfield Library
     We offer a 50% discount to teachers for classroom purchases
     We give a $10 Gift Certificate with any $25 purchase
     We can search and order ANY book for you

What does "liberal trade policy" mean?

We accept almost all books regardless of genre as well as textbooks, LPs, CDs, DVDs and Board Games. We are only picky about condition and you'll get more store credit for your books than other book dealers in Colorado. We donate any books that we don't need or already have in stock

What does "reasonable price" mean?
We generally price our books at 50% of MSRP or less. Here is a book list of pricing to show you what I mean.
       + Mass market paperbacks are mostly $4-5 (MSRP $8-10)
       + Trade Paperbacks are usually $7-8 (MSRP $14-16)
       + Hardbacks average $10 (MSRP $20-30)
       + Coffee Table Books are usually 25-30% of MSRP
       + Kid's Books as low as $1
       + FREE books on the table on the sidewalk

What "genres" rival the big chains? Which "chains"?
      We are referring to:
      Barnes and Noble 
         (who does NOT carry USED Books or offer TRADE)
      2ND & Charles
         (Who sells both NEW and USED,
          and offers TRADE in CASH or STORE CREDIT)

      We have many more OLD, Rare and Collectible Books 
      We have many more "SIGNED by AUTHOR" Books
      We have a larger Counter Culture assortment
      We have a comparable Classic Literature Section
      We have a larger Colorado / Local Interest Section
      We have a larger Western Fiction assortment
      We have a comparable History assortment
      We have a large selection of Oversize "Coffee Table Books"
      We have a large selection of Cook Books
      We have a large selection of Hardback Contemporary Fiction

Have other Questions? Please Contact Us.