Order of Used Books Collectible Books, First Editions and Signed Books
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Updated by Matt 9/18/2018 

We now take used book orders for used book lots. Convenient, lower priced than new books, input from a bookseller for the right copy, and whole discounts. Order 40 mysteries for $32.88.


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Used book lot info
We have hundreds of collectible, signed and first edition books that we have cataloged both in our store and a growing online collection on our eBay book store.

Collectors search our store for Colorado history books, signed hardcover's worthy of their collection, different editions of a favored book and rare out-of-print titles. 

We have several collections to browse. 

Colorado Author's Collection- This is a curated collection of all editions, but mostly hardcover, featuring Margaret Coel, Sandra Dallas and Dan Simmons to name three. It is located in our vault room.

Coyote Ridge First Edition Collection - This was our inaugural collection and features a robust mixture of mid 20th century authors such as James Jones,  James Michener and John Gardner. All books are guaranteed first printing, or book club first edition. If your new to first edition book collecting, our staff will be glad to walk you through how the number lines work for more recent books, and what to to do with vintage first editions. Here are two great resources as well. 

ABE Books Identifying and Collecting First Edition Books
7 minute read will give you the basics.

Quill & Brush First Edition Identification by Publisher
 Once you have the basic on number lines, this article will be helpful when you learn that publishers have different ways of interpreting and designing number lines AND what to do with vintage books that predate those book publisher conventions

Signed Hardcover  - These are composed of any and all editions either hand signed or in some cases have facsimile signatures. Facsimile signatures are those that are printed or stamped into the book. The author has not actually signed the book. It’s just a reproduction of the author’s signature. These can add some value but not quite as cool as the real thing. 

Some signed hardcovers may also be bookplates which were signed then affixed to the title page. 

Delving just one level deeper, books that are signed can be inscribed or flat-signed. Inscribed books are those that are signed and personalized to a specific person, while flat-signed is just the author signature. We have a lot of signed books, moslty at cover price or even a bit less and we have about three times the signed books you'll see at 2nd & Charles.

Colorado History and Topical Association Collection - 
Certainly are most sought after and unique collection, this is a carefully curated collection of hardcover and softcover, fiction and non-fiction that reflects the historical and natural heritage of Colorado. Dick Creck and John Fielder are two notable examples of authors represented in this collection as well as many titles about the Silver Crash, the various gold books and busts and the Colorado ghost towns they left behind. 

Coyote Ridge Vintage Collection - These are scarce old books with a very deep emphasis on children's books from the 1930's through the 1960's. We usually have early run Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys series in the is collection. 

Contact us if you have questions. 

​Book Trading and Buying First Editions

​The only books we typically buy are recent textbooks but we will give store credit on our 50% co-pay system. Very rarely do we buy first editions or vintage books because we have a robust source for those currently in place.